Pokemon Rom Hack Where You Are A Gym Leader

Pokemon Kyanite

This gym will be easy if you picked Bulbasaur or Squirtle as your starting Pokemon. Bulbasaur learns Vine Whip at level 10 and Squirtle learns. No more BS about facing an NPC with Pokemon 10 levels lower than the last Gym Leader you beat. All of those "difficulty romhacks ^_^" out. In this Fire Red based ROMHack, you will of course be going up against the 8 gym leaders of Kanto to obtain the badges required to challenge the Pokemon. You are the newest Gym Leader for Umbal City! Battle Trainers that challenge you, spruce up the city, and help out the citizens! How you do it is all up to you! With Pokemon Gym Leader Simulator, you can now step in the shoes of all the Gym Leaders of the Kanto Region, create bonds with their Pokemon and battle off.

40 Best Pokémon Fan Games & Rom Hacks Ever Made: The Ultimate List.

[platinum] Pokémon Renegade Platinum - ROM - NDS ROM Hacks - Project Pokemon Forums Fixing Johto Gym Leaders and Elite 4. Actually, fixing Johto in general..

Omfg i am love with them both Pokémon Radical Red Nuzlocke Guide sucking porn. No more BS about facing an NPC with Pokemon 10 levels lower than the last Gym Leader you beat. All of those "difficulty romhacks ^_^" out. You'll have to go through an evil Pokémon adventure, beating Gym Leaders and eventually the Elite IV, to prove your worth. It's a great idea with a questionable. I've seen zeta and omicron but that's a fangame and the gym aspect is very tiny. Anyone know of a hack where you get to be a gym leader? duckreach.com.au › watch. In this Fire Red based ROMHack, you will of course be going up against the 8 gym leaders of Kanto to obtain the badges required to challenge the Pokemon.

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