Girl Eats Bloody Tampons

Teen girls claim they’re eating used tampons in viral prank

Teen Girls Join Forces to Convince People That Eating Used Tampons tampons during their period in order to reabsorb the blood and stay alive. Nope, it's % real. Girls lose approximately 80mL of blood during their periods. Because of the sudden blood loss, they feel dizzy and. Eat my tampon' yelled Donita Sparks at the baying crowd. It was one woman and play an instrument. They had come from punk, biker gangs. So here is Giovanna Plowman, allegedly removing a tampon from her nethers, and eating it. Social media's latest hoax has girls convincing their guy friends that they need to eat used tampons to "reabsorb all the blood they just.

Teen Girls Join Forces to Convince People That Eating Used Tampons Is Normal.

Are Girls Really Eating Their Tampons? Teens On TikTok Created A Hoax That Girls Eat Their Tampons To Get Back The Blood.

She looks like shes lost alot of weight We Regret To Inform You That Tampon Girl Has A TikTok, But The Content’s Not What You Think chats online. Nope, it's % real. Girls lose approximately 80mL of blood during their periods. Because of the sudden blood loss, they feel dizzy and. Yes, I'm talking about Giovanna Plowman, the girl who pulled a bloody (literally) tampon out of her vagine and then sucked on it. Teen girls on Tiktok are trying to convince boys that they eat their used tampons to reabsorb any blood they've lost. Teens On TikTok Created A Hoax That Girls Eat Their Tampons To Get Back The Blood. It's to reabsorb the lost blood, obviously. By. Lauren. So here is Giovanna Plowman, allegedly removing a tampon from her nethers, and eating it.

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