First Porn Ever Made

Porn has been around from start of film

El Satario (Spanish: The Satyr), also known as El Sartorio or ”The Devil”, is the name of one of the earliest surviving pornographic films. Around the first hardcore porn movie “Am Abend” (“In the Evening”) was made in Germany. According to film studies scholar Linda Williams. Widely considered to be the first pornographic motion picture, A L'Ecu d'Or ou la bonne auberge was released in France in An X-rated. It was one of the first erotic films ever made in the late 19th century. The film was directed by Albert Kirchner, produced by Eugène Pirou, and starred French. Production of erotic films commenced almost immediately after the invention of the motion picture. Two of the earliest pioneers were Frenchmen Eugène Pirou.


Pornographic film - Wikipedia .

Id love that ass around my cock live donne. The oldest known pornographic movie is the French silent movie Bedtime for the Bride. El Satario (Spanish: The Satyr), also known as El Sartorio or ”The Devil”, is the name of one of the earliest surviving pornographic films. Most consider the first pornographic film to have been A l'Ecu d'Or (also known as La Bonne Auberge), which was made in _ after the first. The first pornographic movie was made in It was produced by Eugène Pirou and directed by Albert Kirchner, two Frenchmen. It starred Louise Willy. Production of erotic films commenced almost immediately after the invention of the motion picture. Two of the earliest pioneers were Frenchmen Eugène Pirou.

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