The Baron And Louise

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According to him, the Baron miniature had a companion figure called Louise and that those two statuettes resemble Nishi himself and his first. I hope Barnes and Noble bring out the matching figure for his lover, Louise, I'll buy it in a heartbeat!!! Recommends this product. ✓ Yes. I just watched Whisper of the Heart and saw that The Baron use to have a female lover and partner named The Baroness or sometimes known as Louise and I. Discover videos related to the baron and louise on TikTok. Mar 4, - Whisper of the Heart- The Baron and Louise the Baroness.

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Cant hack it pack it Whisper of the Heart Music Box Figure The Baron (Louise) by Benerikku by Benerikku fawn naked. Mar 4, - Whisper of the Heart- The Baron and Louise the Baroness. Discover videos related to the baron and louise on TikTok. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for STUDIO GHIBLI Whisper of the Heart Music Box Baron + Louise 2 set in Box at the best online. Luisa (ルイーゼ, Ruīze) is a puppet featured in the film Whisper of the Heart. She is mentioned by Shirō Nishi. She was whittled alongside Baron Humbert von. Statue Music Box of the Baron's companion statue, Louise, from Whisper of the Heart. Standing approx. " Tall, this Statue Music Box winds up to play "Take Me.

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Views: 4890 Date: 10/2/2023 Favorited: 212 favorites

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