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fucking FAKE is just someone who is chill with doing eugenics against people they think are ugly. Mean Fat Girl- 🏳️‍ · @Artists_Ali. Usually refers to a fat, ugly smelly girl or woman. Best described as Fugly. Can be found in large numbers at Mc Donalds and Wal-Mart eating greasy fast food. The second most common insults are about a girls' appearance ('ugly', 'fat'). When fellas get tired of your pussy, it's good-bye girl, naw, it's get the fuck. I want a girlfriend but I'm kind of fat and ugly, and the girls at my school aren't worth it. I am 15 years old. What should I do? Try not being ugly yourself. Upvote.

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We seem to have the same sexual taste sands head. › translation › english-spanish › fat+ugly+fuck. Translations in context of "fat ugly fuck" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: In your dreams, you fat ugly fuck! Usually refers to a fat, ugly smelly girl or woman. Best described as Fugly. Can be found in large numbers at Mc Donalds and Wal-Mart eating greasy fast food. › kaylaweimer › uglyfat-girl-problems-my-problems. Some people sign up and immediately recieved back to back ugly, fat, or trans for several weeks and sometimes months before seeing more.

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