How Many Holes Do Women Have

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Well, men have two, the urethra and the anal opening. Whereas, a female has 3 holes or openings, first, the urethral meatus, then the vagina. The urethral opening is the tiny hole that you pee out of, located just below your clitoris. The vaginal opening is right below your urethral opening. It's. Well to educate you a little, women have a different path for the urthea than man. That's your 1. "Hole". The second is the vaginal canal. No. They have three in total, including the anus. Reply. Lilian says. Just 46 percent of participants correctly identified that women have three holes down there. The most commonly mentioned "holes" were the vagina.

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Gorgeous ass and perfect small tits Thank you! hand models. If you're unsure (no judgement), the correct answer is three: the urethra, the vagina and the anus. According to Aussie lifestyle site Mamamia. Yes there are 3 holes in the vaginal area. As a background, the outside of the female genital area is called the vulva. The outer lips of the vulva are called. No, women do not pee from their vaginas Let's start with Anatomy Do you know how many holes there are in a woman's nether regions? If you. Well to educate you a little, women have a different path for the urthea than man. That's your 1. "Hole". The second is the vaginal canal. There is a total of 3 holes in the genital area. There are two holes in the vulva: the opening to the vagina and the opening to the urethra. The.

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Views: 6839 Date: 10/19/2023 Favorited: 202 favorites

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