Japanese Butt Poking Game

Kancho: Japan’s Socially Acceptable Butt-Poking Game

Kancho involves sneaking behind your victim and poking them up the butt, whilst others say its origins lie in popular anime cartoons. As he goes into the many ways students try to jam their fingers into his bum (they call it “ddong chim” in Korea – which, hilariously. Kancho. The act of putting your fingers together in a pointy position and sticking them up somebody else's butt. Here's the deal, Japanese. The game kancho which is usually played by small children under the age six is something that literally involves your fingers and a butt. But just because it's. duckreach.com.au › kancho-butt-poking-game.


Kancho in Japan: Etiquette, Meanings and WTF? - .

So hot wish i could see the longer version chat schweitz. Japanese butt game people seem to love | Alex Clark | AyChristene Reacts. 16K views · 2 years ago #YouTubeBlack #Reacts #alexclark more. In Japan, children can stick their fingers into people's butts, a prank known as kancho, and get away with it — at least in theory. Carl Samson. The game kancho which is usually played by small children under the age six is something that literally involves your fingers and a butt. But just because it's. From the Japanese slang term meaning "butt poke". 1)an illegal strike (fingers in the ass) in used occasionally during pro-wrestling matches normally. When some kids tried to kancho me, they thought my butt felt a little too thick, and couldn't make a poke the same way as the other kids, so.

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